kvm-tec Functionality
kvm-tec Functionality
kvm-tec Functionality
kvm-tec Functionality
kvm-tec Functionality
kvm-tec Functionality

kvm-tec Functionality

Functionalities & Features – that makes the difference and are the ergonomic boost for your system

All features and functions are software solutions that require no additional hardware. Mouse glide & switch for clean workstations, where up to 16 monitors can be operated with one mouse and one keyboard, 4K Multiview Commander, where contents from several Pcs can be displayed and operated on a 4K screen, or freeze last image, where in case of a power interruption the last image is displayed in a red frame.

The kvm-tec functionality video describes all functions of the kvm-tec system, which you can browse through step by step.

and now step by step

kvm-tec functionality

Video Sharing cross

Video sharing Cross

Video signals can be transmitted from the source (LOC) unit to various monitors via the switch.


CONFIGURATOR for Video Sharing Cross - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect, Smartline, Masterline,FLEXline, EASYline

kvm-tec functionality

Videosharing - PUSH & GET or connect

Videosharing - PUSH & GET or connect

With GET command or Connect you can connect from the source PC1 or PC2 ( LOC unit ) to the monitor ( remote unit )

PUSH Command - the contents of your own monitor can be connected to another monitor using PUSH Command.

The input can be done in the OSD menu


Configurator for Videosharing - Push &GET or Connect - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect, Smartline, Masterline, FLEXline, EASYline

kvm-tec functionality

Videosharing cross with Supervisor

Videosharing cross with Supervisor

The supervisor can take over the USB control of one user at any time and transfer the USB control to another user with PUSH. With video sharing, each user can transmit on a video wall.



Configurator for Videosharing Cross with Supervisor - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect, Smartline, Masterline, FLEXline

kvm-tec functionality

Videosharing GET & Multishow

Videosharing GET & Multishow

A supervisor can use the GET command to take over the content of a screen and use the SHARE command to transfer it to all other USER screens. With the command PUSH the supervisor can transfer the contents of the screen to a video wall.


Configurator für Videosharing Get& Multishow  - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect,  Smartline, Masterline, FLEXline

kvm-tec functionality

USB Sharing High Speed modus

USB Sharing High Speed modus

In high speed mode a user has control of USB.  The user who wants to take over the USB control, presses any key on the keyboard and takes over the USB control (switching takes about 0.5-1 sec).


Configurator for USB Sharing High Speed Modus  - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect, FLEXline, EASYline

kvm-tec functionality

USB SHARING Emulation mode

USB SHARING Emulation mode

Multiple users have simultaneous USB access and can work simultaneously. The switching is delay-free and can be used for mouse and keyboard.


Configuratur for USB Sharing Emulation Mode - Matrixline, 4KUltraline, media4Kconnect, FLEXline, EASYline

kvm-tec functionality

mouse glide&switch

Mouse glide & Switch

With this software feature several PCs can be operated with only one mouse and one keyboard from one workstation. The screens can be arranged horizontally or vertically.


Configurator for Mouse glide & switch Matrixline, 4KUltraline, MAXflex

kvm-tec functionality

mouse glide&switching sharing

Mouse glide & switch Sharing

Users can share the screen contents of mouse glide & switch on a video wall as they wish.


Configurator for Mouse Glide & Switch Sharing - Matrixline, 4K Ultraline, MAXflex

kvm-tec functionality

4K Multiview Commander

4K Multiview Commander

kvm-tec feature for controlling and operating contents of different PCs on only one 4K monitor. from remote/CON up to 120km (up to 8 Multiview Commander can be combined)

Zoom function - every part of the screen can be enlarged as a full image

Red frame - for easier operation, a red frame is displayed for orientation when changing screens


Configurator for 4K Multivew Commander 4 Matrixline local + 1  Ultraline remote or 4MAXflex local + 1 Ultraline remote

kvm-tec functionality

4K Multiview Commander mit Videowall

4K Multiview Commander with Videowall

The screens in 4K Multiview Commander can be shared flexible on a video wall


Configurator for sharing several Multiview Commander on one videowall -

for each Multivew Commander configuration  - 1 x Ultraline DP1.2 remote + 4 x Matrixline local or 4 x MAXflex local

and for each videowall segment 1 x Matrixline remote or 1 x MAXflex remote

kvm-tec functionality

Sharing von mehreren 4K Multiview Commander auf einer Videowall

Sharing of several Multiview Commander on one video wall

The contents of multiple Multiview Commanders can be shared across one or more video walls


Configurator for Sharing several 4K Multiview Commander on one videowall

for each Mulitview Commander  1 x 4K Ultraline DP1.2 remote + 4 x Matrixline local or 4 x MAXflex local  and 

for each videowall segment 1 x Matrixline remote or 1 x MAXflex remote

kvm-tec functionality


Group Sharing

The supervisor can create several independent groups, which can be divided e.g. in a multi-storey building over the corresponding switches.


Funcionality Matrix Switching System

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