Even after a successful sales, customer care& service is very important to us. Here you will find all manuals, FAQs and current updates for our products.
If you need assistance with a problem with our products, please write an e-mail to our support.
After we have received your mail, a support ticket is automatically created in our ticket system, where all information about your support case is stored and can be traced at any time.
When the shoe pinches - we also love to speak directly with our customers
So the support team has all information about your system in a direct conversation and their advantage is that your questions can be answered specifically
You can reach our support team:
Mo-DO 8.00 - 21.00 MEZ 8.00 am - 9.00 pm MEZ
FR 8.00-18.00 MEZ 8.00 am - 6.00 pm MEZ
phone. +43/2253 / 81912 -30