Ultraslimer 4K Displayport 1.2 Extender over IP
Versionen: single/ redundant/uncompressed
Software feature Mouse Glide & Switch
Super ultrawide 5K resolution of 5120x 1440@60 Hz
media4Kconnect uncompressed with 4:4:4@10 bit and uncompressed (native) redundant
point to point or Matrix Switching Systems (Switch Layer 3)
4KExtender DP1.2 with RS232 and Sound analog
redundant + uncompressed
RS232 and Sound analog
Softwarefeature Mouse Glide & Switch
Super ultrawide 5K resolution of von 5120x 1440@60 Hz
media4SPECIAL uncompressed with 4:4:4@10 Bit and uncompressed (nativ) redundant
point to point or in Matrix Switching Systems (Switch Layer 3)
The new flexible KVM Dimension - 4K and Full HD can be flexibly combined and up to 16 sources can be displayed, operated and scaled.
For Full HD sources, MAXflex dual local with Scalable Remote Unit becomes the ultra-flexible ScalableLine. For 4K applications, Scalable Local is combined with Scalable Remote.
Flexible - more flexible - most flexible is that HD and 4K can be used together for the most different sources
point to point or Matrix Switching Systems (Switch Layer3)