Medical technology, nuclear research and hospitals
In clinics or hospitals or in the central operating theatre, a large number of signal sources such as overhead cameras for the operating theatre, planning computers, endoscope cameras are required and must be coordinated. With the installation of the kvm-tec Switching System and the flexible combination of Full HD Extender with 4K Extender many things become easier and easier to coordinate. A click on the touch display on camera - or monitor icon simply connects them with each other. With the uncompressed version of the media4kconnent the image of the endoscope is transmitted directly and without artefacts. The further implementation of the 12GSDI interface allows direct access to an endoscope and the capturing function allows a screenshot to be stored on a drive at the touch of a button without additional hardware. With Mouse glide & Switch, images can be directly sharpened on a video wall as desired, whether on a wall screen in the operating room or in the lecture hall.
Hygienic & clean workplaces
Mouse glide& switch as a software feature allows up to 16 monitors to be operated with just one keyboard and one mouse. With the 4KMultiview Commander 4 different PC contents can be displayed and operated on one 4K screen. By moving the PCs into the server room, there are no flying particles that are whirled into the air by PC fans. The remote unit can be integrated by medical manufacturers in hermetically sealed and disinfectable displays.
Our kvm-tec functionality Tipp
The supervisor can take over the USB control of one user at any time and transfer the USB control to another user with PUSH. With video sharing, each user can transmit on a video wall.
Check out the kvm-tec functionalities here