Infobox smartEASY single & dual

Full HD Extender over IP - and now tune in the easy KVM world !

KVM Extender DVI, DVI-D, KVM Extender USB in CATx single & dual EASYline - the easy going KVM Extender in Full HD from kvm-tec For point-to-point connections and smaller switching systems up to 56 endpoints. No user system necessary, embedded sound, 4 single or 4 dual in 1U, copper and fiber, embedded sound, video sharing and USB sharing, multihead

We have put together an info box for you in advance, which contains videos and information about the smartEASY, the smart entry-level product.

Have fun browsing through it !


Infobox for SMARTflex


fancy video presentation


Video C4

kvm-tec functionality


Marketing Datasheet

good overview about smartEASY

Technical Datasheet smarteasy Single

technical information

Technical Datsheet smarteasy Dual

technical information


the full story

product catalog


Marketing Data Sheet & Technical Data Sheet, can be found in

additional languages - French, Spanish and Chinese in the download area of the product 

Installlation Channel
SMARTeasy Single

Product Channel

Installation Channel
SMARTeasy Dual

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