The KVM Secure Hardware Network Separator is the combination of a Flexline Remote part with a Local part.
The KVM Secure Network Separator is used to completely shield a dedicated KVM Matrix network from the outside world (office network, WAN, Internet). Since the two modules are only internally connected via DVI and USB, it is absolutely guaranteed that no network traffic of any kind can enter the other network. The KVM Secure Network Separator is completely immune to viruses or other attacks from the Internet.
The KVM Secure Network Separator simplifies the planning of a large KVM network in a security-critical environment. The KVM network with high bandwidths for 4k video transmission can thus be considered completely isolated as a "hardware matrix". The switching manager can be operated within the KVM network and can also be administered from the outside via a KVM Separator.
The KVM Secure Network Separator is compatible with the KVM-TEC UDP Switchingmanager and the Gateway2Go. The remote part can be addressed via multicast IP addresses, the local part via unicast from Gateway2Go via VPN with limited bandwidth.